martes, 28 de febrero de 2012



Acabo de ver este video y me he quedado perplejo. En estos tiempos en los 
que vivimos hay una causa verdadera de este anormal crecimiento demografico
y es la ignoracia del ser humano sobre la verdad y su falsa filosofia del mundo
y de la vida. Es una paradoja que hoy, cuando el conocimiento cientifico del 
hombre es incomparablemente superior a cualquier otra época  anterior,  su 
conocimiento sobre el mundo y existencia sea menos desarrollado que nunca.

Cuanto menos educacion hay en una sociedad, mayores son las diferencias 
economicas entre los pobres y ricos. Aristoteles ya achacaba la pobreza a 
la reproduccion incontrolada y Platon y algunos filósofos chinos expresaron
sus temores por la destruccion de la tierra a causa de la deforestacion.
Muchas de esta ideas se recogen en el libro de Richart Barnet en su libro 

En fin, muchos no estareis de a cuerdo con migo pero traer un niño a este 
mundo es una temeridad, algunos me direis que tener un hijo es 
magnifico y maravilloso, pero mis ojos no me engañan y lo que veo diariamente
no me gusta.  Os dejo el video.

2 comentarios:

  1. I can understand why you think having a child is foolhardy. I will tell you something...before I had my son I thought long and hard to if I wanted to bring another child into this mad world. It was a hard decision...but not one I regret. See I hope and pray that my kids might make a difference in their own little ways...we are all here for a reason...I do wonder what theirs will be.

    My most precious memories are with my can have the greatest joys imaginable and it costs not a cent. Look at the video with different eyes...see the joy in the kids faces with the coloured chickens...the love in the Mothers face holding her child.

    These are the very things we need to hang cherish and nurture for this world to be a better place. The simple things ARE the best things...the things that money could never buy

    I loved the video...but I looked at it with different eyes...{{HUGS}}...

  2. I understand perfectly as a mother. You are smart. Something that in underdeveloped countries does not exist. Where there is poverty, there is no culture. This is not about to love, that's fine, if not give it a future.

    This video was taxed in the Philippines. A very rich country but poor by corruption and poverty.

    I let this other video.

    This film is about the hunger and Poverty Brought About by Globalization. There are people dying everyday due 10.000 to hunger and malnutrition. This short film shows a forgotten Portion of the society. The people who lives on the refuse of men to survive. What is inspiring is the hope and spirituality That never left this people.
